Effect of seed bio priming with endophytes on seedquality of soybean under induced drought stress

  • PRADEEP . Department of Seed Science and Technology,Agriculture Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,Raichur-584 104, India
  • DODDAGOUDAR S R Department of Seed Science and Technology,Agriculture Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,Raichur-584 104, India
  • UMESH HIREMATH Department of Seed Science and Technology,Agriculture Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,Raichur-584 104, India
  • ARUNKUMAR HOSAMANI Department of,Agriculture Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,Raichur-584 104, India
  • GNYANADEV x B Department of Seed Science and Technology,Agriculture Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,Raichur-584 104, India
Keywords: Endophytes, Seed biopriming, Seed quality, Soybean


A lab experiment was conducted during 2021-22 atRaichur Karnataka to study the effect of seed bio priming withendophytes was examined on seed quality parameters of soybean(JS-335). The experiment was laid out in two factorial completelyrandomized design with four replications.Results showed that seedbio priming with the endophyte Trichoderma hamatum (1 x 103 conidiaml-1) recorded significantly higher seed germination (81.2%), shootlength (15.9 cm), root length (9.5 cm), seedling vigour index-I (2073),growth rate index (24.08), peak value (893), mean daily germination(10.15) under drought stress as compared to control.
How to Cite
., P., R, D. S., HIREMATH, U., HOSAMANI, A., & B, G. x. (2023). Effect of seed bio priming with endophytes on seedquality of soybean under induced drought stress. Journal of Farm Sciences, 36(02), 225-229. https://doi.org/10.61475/jfm.v36i02.21