Impact of the radio dramas on knowledge gain of dairy farmers

  • SIDDAPPA HONNIHALLI Department of Extension and Communication Management, College of Community Science, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • D. A. NITHYA SHREE Department of Extension and Communication Management, College of Community Science, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Dairy farmers, Knowledge gain, Krishi Community Radio, Radio drama


Krishi Community Radio Station (KCRS) is serving the agricultural and rural sector of Dharwad taluka. This is thefirst radio station in India, under the state agricultural universities set up and first community radio station in Karnataka. Dairyis one of the important subsidiary enterprise taken up by farmers in India. The milk productivity is very low in Indiacompared to other countries. Keeping this in view the present study was planned to improve the knowledge of farmers aboutdairy management practices. The study was conducted in eight villages of Dharwad taluka with selected 120 dairy farmerswho possessed mobile / radio sets and listened to Krishi CRS as respondents. To study the impact of drama format onknowledge gain, before and after experimental design was used. Based on identified needs, five audio dramas were planned,recorded and broadcasted through KCRS. Study indicated that there was significant difference between pre test and post testknowledge. The post knowledge was greater than pre knowledge, which clearly indicates that there is increase in knowledgeof dairy farmers. This shows that drama format is effective in disseminating the information to the farmers
How to Cite
HONNIHALLI, S., & SHREE, D. A. N. (2020). Impact of the radio dramas on knowledge gain of dairy farmers. Journal of Farm Sciences, 33(04), 542-545.