Performance of soybean genotypes at varying plantpopulation under delayed onset of mansoon

  • BOMNGAM KARLO Department of AgrononyCollege of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural SciencesDharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • J. A. HOSMATH Department of AgrononyCollege of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural SciencesDharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Absolute growth rate, Genotype, Monsoon, Net assimilation rate


A field experiment was carried out at the MARS, Dharwadduring kharif 2017 to study the performance of soybean genotypesat varying plant population levels under delayed monsoon conditions.In the study, genotype DSb-32 recorded significantly higher dry matterin pods (18.91 g plant-1) while DSb-31 (25.17 g plant-1) and DSb-32(27.93 g plant-1) produced considerably higher total dry matter. Plantpopulation level of 3.33 lakhs plants ha-1 + RDF + mycorrhizalconsortium (16.91 g plant-1&24.93 g plant-1) and 4.20 lakhs plantsha-1 + RDF + mycorrhizal consortium (16.31 g plant-1 &24.15 gplant-1) accumulated significantly higher dry matter in pods as well astotal dry matter production than the rest. Genotypes DSb-31 andDSb-32 recorded similar AGR and NAR values while at low plantpopulation considerably higher NAR was recorded over the rest. Thenumber of pods per plant, seeds per pod, grain yield per plant andtotal grain yield was found to be significantly superior with genotypeDSb-32. Grain yield at 3.33 lakhs plants ha-1 + RDF + mycorrhizalconsortium (20.69 q ha-1), 4.20 lakhs plants ha-1 + RDF + mycorrhizalconsortium (19.94 q ha-1) and 5.00 lakhs plants ha-1 + RDF +mycorrhizal consortium (19.61 q ha-1) yielded similar results whichwas significantly superior to seed yield of 3.33 lakhs plants ha-1 +RDF (15.75 q ha-1)
How to Cite
KARLO, B., & HOSMATH, J. A. (2020). Performance of soybean genotypes at varying plantpopulation under delayed onset of mansoon. Journal of Farm Sciences, 33(03), 406-408.