Efficient method for breaking seed dormancy inlamb’s quarters (Chenopodiumalbum L.)

  • T. SINDHUJA Department of Seed Science and TechnologyTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityCoimbatore - 641 003, India
  • K. RAJA Department of Seed Science and TechnologyTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityCoimbatore - 641 003, India
  • R. JERLIN Department of Seed Science and TechnologyTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityCoimbatore - 641 003, India
Keywords: Ethrel, Seed dormancy, Seed germination


Studies on seed dormancy in lamb’s quarters (Chenopodiumalbum L.)var. Ooty 1 (Ck 1) revealed that the freshly harvested seed possessdormancy for about 30 days. Thereafter, the seed started to germinateminimally (2 %) and reached 100 per cent on 165 days after harvest.However, the seeds were viable (100 %) from the day of harvest upto165 days. Therefore, the dormancy breaking treatments were imposedwhich effectively improves the germination of freshly harvested seeds.In which, soaking of seeds in ethrel @ 50 ppm for 18 h would overcomethe physiological dormancy with the maximum germination (86 %).
How to Cite
SINDHUJA, T., RAJA, K., & JERLIN, R. (2020). Efficient method for breaking seed dormancy inlamb’s quarters (Chenopodiumalbum L.). Journal of Farm Sciences, 33(03), 411-413. https://doi.org/10.61475/jfm.v33i03.246