Trichoderma: A potential millennium microbe for sustainable management of field and horticulturecrop diseases: An overview

  • GURUDATT M. HEGDE Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • SHAMARAO JAHAGIRDAR Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Crop diseases, Integrated Disease Management, Microbe, Millennium, Trichoderma


Biological control is gaining importance in modern agriculture due to limitations of chemical farming and its effecton environment and human health. In this context, sustainable management of crop diseases is the need of hour for long terminnovative farming. Among different bio-agents used Trichoderma forms as the most potent and diversified bioagent usedin crop disease management. Trichoderma readily colonizes plant roots and some strains are rhizosphere competent i.e. ableto grow on roots as they develop. Trichoderma spp. also attack, parasitize and otherwise gain nutrition from other fungi.They have evolved numerous mechanisms for both attack of other fungi and for enhancing plant and root growth. Differentstrains of Trichoderma control almost every pathogenic fungus for which control has been sought. However, most ofTrichoderma strains are more efficient for control of some pathogens than others and may be largely ineffective againstsome fungi. Trichoderma spp. as a biocontrol agents are used for foliar application, seed treatment and soil treatment forsuppression of various disease causing fungal pathogens. The present paper deals with various aspects of Trichodermaapplication in the management of disease of field and horticultural crops.
How to Cite
HEGDE, G. M., & JAHAGIRDAR, S. (2020). Trichoderma: A potential millennium microbe for sustainable management of field and horticulturecrop diseases: An overview. Journal of Farm Sciences, 33(02), 159-172.