Nutritive value and organoleptic qualities of roti prepared from traditional sorghum landraces
Crude fiber, Landraces, Physico-chemical properties, Roti, Sorghum
Landraces or traditional varieties are the basic material for developing any variety or hybrid.The study onnutritive value and roti quality helps in identifying superior cultivars which then can be used as parents to develop newervarieties. The twenty traditional sorghum landraces and one high yielding variety were procured from AICRP Sorghum,UAS, Dharwad. The nutritive valuesand sensory properties of twenty sorghum landraces were studied and compared withhigh yielding variety (M35-1). The proximate composition viz., moisture, fat and carbohydrate content of landraces wereon par with M35-1. The crude protein and crude fiber content were significantly higher and the ash content of most of thelandraces was significantly lower compared to M35-1. The acceptability of roti prepared from twelve traditional sorghumlandraces were on par with M35-1
How to Cite
HUNGUND, P., & MALAGI, U. (2021). Nutritive value and organoleptic qualities of roti prepared from traditional sorghum landraces. Journal of Farm Sciences, 34(03), 300-302.
Research Article
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