Study on the factors influencing socio-emotional behaviour of rural orphans

  • DANESHWARI ONKARI Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • SUNANDA ITAGI Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Orphans, Prevalence, Siblings, Socio-emotional behaviour


Study was conducted during 2016-2018 in Dharwad taluka of Karnataka state. A correlation research design wasused. From Dharwad taluka, 5 percent of villages comprised as samples. Door to door survey was conducted andsupplementary information was also gathered through schools and anganawadies. Out of 3504 children contacted 266children found to be orphans in rural area which indicated 7.59 per cent of prevalence rate. Further 124 orphan childrenwere randomly selected in the age range of 6-18 years to know the influence of personal and familial factors on their socio-emotional behaviour. The self structured questionnaire, child behaviour checklist and socio- economic status scales wereused for data collection. Results revealed that, 49.2 per cent were paternal orphans, 61.3 per cent had low level of resilienceand 55.6 per cent had high level of vulnerability. About 41.3 per cent of orphans experienced more than 5 years oforphanhood. More than half of the orphans (61.3 %) were in clinical range, 24.2 per cent of them were in normal categoryand only 14.5 per cent of them were in borderline category of socio-emotional behaviour. There was significant differencebetween boys and girls in externalizing and total behavour problems. Boys expressed higher behaviour problems than girls.Regression model explained that vulnerability, conflict, resilience, period of orphanhood and age of the child together foundto be influencing on socio-emotional behavior of orphans. Other variables such as, type of orphan, birth order, residentialstatus, no of siblings, family size, caste and SES did not influence on socio-emotional behavior of orphans
How to Cite
ONKARI, D., & ITAGI, S. (2021). Study on the factors influencing socio-emotional behaviour of rural orphans. Journal of Farm Sciences, 34(03), 309-313.