Studies on the population dynamics of tea mosquitobug on cashew in Uttara Kannada, Karnataka

  • SHARANABASAVA S. AKALAKUMPI Department of Agricultural EntomologyCollege of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural SciencesDharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • ROOPA S. PATIL Department of Agricultural EntomologyCollege of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural SciencesDharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Cashew, Helopeltis spp., Population, Malagi, Tea mosquito bug


Tea mosquito bug is one of the important pestsattackingseveralplantation and fruit crops in the tropics and subtropics. Theadult and immature stages of tea mosquito bug (Miridae: Hemiptera)suck the sap from tender shoots, leaves, floral branches, developingnuts and fruits resulting in necrotic lesions. It multiplies rapidly undercongenial climatic conditions and preferable stages on the host plant.The introduction of new genotypes and climatic variations pavedway for increased incidence and intensity of pest problems in cashewviz., tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis spp.), stem and root borer, appleand nut borer, shoot and blossom webber, mealy bug, leaf miner, economic threat in recent years. Present study conducted on thepopulation dynamics of cashew tea mosquito bug at Malagi,Mundagod Tq. started appearing from the I FN of November (0.30bugs/20 shoots), reached peak during the second fortnight of December(6.20 bugs/20 shoots) and started to decline thereafter. Also, incidenceof tea mosquito bug was negatively correlated with all the weatherparameters except minimum temperature which showed highlysignificant relationship with the population of tea mosquito bug
How to Cite
AKALAKUMPI, S. S., & PATIL, R. S. (2021). Studies on the population dynamics of tea mosquitobug on cashew in Uttara Kannada, Karnataka. Journal of Farm Sciences, 34(03), 333-334.