Host range studies of Alternaria spp.,a causal agentof blight disease of linseed

  • H.H. ASMA Department of Plant PathologyCollege of Agriculture, RaichurUniversity of Agricultural SciencesRaichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • K. AJITHKUMAR Department of Plant PathologyCollege of Agriculture, RaichurUniversity of Agricultural SciencesRaichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • S.T. YENJEERAPPA Department of Plant PathologyCollege of Agriculture, RaichurUniversity of Agricultural SciencesRaichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • M.R. GOVINDAPPA Department of Plant PathologyCollege of Agriculture, RaichurUniversity of Agricultural SciencesRaichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • D. KRISHNAMURTHY Department of Plant PathologyCollege of Agriculture, RaichurUniversity of Agricultural SciencesRaichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Blight, Host range, Linseed


Alternaria blight is the most serious diseases of linseed caused bydifferent Alternaria spp.The genus Alternaria Nees ex Fr. is widelydistributed all over the world and is represented by number of species.The genus occupies a prime position and is significantly importantas its members are well known in causing wide spread diseases ofeconomic plants such as cereals, oilseed crops, spices, vegetablesand ornamentals. The host range study of Alternaria spp., revealedthat the pathogen was unable to infect any of the crop plants takenfor study under the pot condition but showed mycelial growth onall the crops tested through detached leaf technique under laboratorycondition. The maximum mycelial growth was observed on carrotgrass (9.56 mm) followed by groundnut (8.82 mm), whereas,minimum mycelial growth was observed on sesame (2.52 mm).Therefore, based on this host range test, It was concluded thatAlternaria spp.,infecting linseed may also be pathogenic to otherhosts only under controlled and favourable conditions
How to Cite
ASMA, H., AJITHKUMAR, K., YENJEERAPPA, S., GOVINDAPPA, M., & KRISHNAMURTHY, D. (2021). Host range studies of Alternaria spp.,a causal agentof blight disease of linseed. Journal of Farm Sciences, 34(03), 335-336.