An economic analysis of dynamics of land use pattern in Northern Karnataka

  • MANJUNATHA P. PALED Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, Indi
  • G.N. KULKARNI Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, Indi
  • V.R. KIRESUR Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, Indi
  • N.M. KERUR Department of Agri-business Management,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, Indi
  • C.K. VENUGOPAL Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Dharwad,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, Indi
Keywords: Compound annual growth rate, Dynamics of land use pattern, Markov chain analysis


Land as a primary is an important natural resource for agriculture and supports all forms of economic activities.Hence its utilization to various activities needs to be analysed in order to frame suitable policies related to its optimum use.Therefore the present study was conducted to analyse the growth and dynamics of land use pattern in Haveri and UttaraKannada districts of Karnataka. The secondary data was collected for a period of 21 years (from 1998-99 to 2018-19)analysed using Compound Annual Growth Rate, Markov chain analysis and other descriptive statistics in order to drawmeaningful inferences. Study revealed that in both the districts land put to non-agricultural uses shown a positive significantgrowth over study period. The cultivable waste, permanent pastures and current fallow have shown significant negativegrowth in both the districts however, the growth was more rapid in Uttara Kannada district than in Haveri district. In UttaraKannada Forest area has shown a significant negative growth due to encroachment by people and converted to agriculturalland. Interestingly the barren &uncultivable land in Uttara Kannada has shown a dip in its area shows that there is a scopeto utilize such land for other productive purposes. Inter-sectoral dynamic analysis revealed that in Uttara Kannada districtarea under ecological sector decreased by 1020.20 ha per annum. In Haveri district area under non-agricultural sector hasincreased at a rate of 106 ha per year mainly at the cost of agricultural land. However, in Uttara Kannada area underagricultural sector and non-agricultural sector has increased at loss of ecological sector. Government needs to take necessarymeasures for reforestation and afforestation through encouragement of agro-forestry and strict action against forest landencroachment so as to protect and improve area under forest cover in the study area.
How to Cite
PALED, M. P., KULKARNI, G., KIRESUR, V., KERUR, N., & VENUGOPAL, C. (2021). An economic analysis of dynamics of land use pattern in Northern Karnataka. Journal of Farm Sciences, 34(03), 283-288.