Bibliometric profile of global research on millets

  • R.S. BHAT ublication Centre, University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad - 580 005,Karnataka,India
Keywords: Bibliometric profile, India’s position, Key research areas, Millets, Year-wise and journal-wise distribution


To commemorate the International Year of the Millet (IYOM2023), an effort was made to study the bibliometric profile of globalresearch on millets. A total of 5315 references of journal articles weredownloaded from PubMed (NLM) using the common name and thescientific name of nine prominent millets as the keywords appearingin the title. The number of publications steadily increased over theyears with the highest rate of increase during 2010-20. Sorghumfollowed by pearl millet and foxtail millet received the highest numberof publications. Overall, the USA, India and China produced 1287,1192 and 886 articles, respectively. Interestingly, almost all studieson “Browntop millet”,”Barnyard millet”,”Little millet” and “Kodomillet” were concentrated in India. Among the different areas ofresearch, “Stress”, “Nutrition” and “Breeding” were pursued in 971,819 and 741 studies, respectively. These studies indicate a great futurescope to employ both conventional and innovative next-generationbreeding methods on a large germplasm accession pool availableworldwide to overcome the challenges emerging from climate changeand malnutrition
How to Cite
BHAT, R. (2023). Bibliometric profile of global research on millets. Journal of Farm Sciences, 36(01), 119-121.