System analysis of browntop millet based intercropping system in vertisols under rainfed condition

  • H.P. DARSHAN Department of Agronomy,College of Agriculture,University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • CHIDANAD P. MANSUR Department of Agronomy,College of Agriculture,University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • D. SHIVAMURTHY Department of Agronomy,College of Agriculture,University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • J.K. NEELAKANTH Department of Agril. Engineering,College of Agriculture,University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Browntop millet, Economics, Intercropping indices, Intercropping system


A field experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Dharwad during kharif season,2021-22 to analyze the browntop millet intercropping system with legumes. The experiment was laid out in randomizedcomplete block design with thirteen treatments and replicated thrice. Among thirteen treatments the browntop millet wasintercropped with groundnut, soybean, green gram and black gram in 4:2 and 2:1 row ratio and remaining treatments wereindividual sole crops. Sole browntop millet was recorded significantly higher grain yield (973.61 ka ha-1), whereas, amongthe different intercropping systems 4:2 row proportion of browntop millet + groundnut was recorded numerically highergrain yield (674.31 kg ha-1). Significantly higher browntop millet equivalent yield (BMEY) was recorded in sole groundnut(3689 kg ha-1), whereas, among the different intercropping system browntop millet + groundnut (4:2) was recordednumerically higher BMEY (2326 kg ha-1). Browntop millet + black gram at 4:2 row proportion was recorded numericallyhigher value of land equivalent ratio, area time equivalent ratio and system productivity index (1.192, 1.13 and 1159.49,respecitvely). Browntop millet was shown negative trend with respect to agrressivity. Significantly higher value of relativecrowding coefficient was recorded with browntop millet + groundnut with 4:2 row ratio (18.12). Sole groundnut wasrecorded significantly higher gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio ( `1,13,438, `72,934 ha-1 and 2.80, respectively).However, among the different intercropping systems browntop millet + groundnut at 4:2 row proportion was recordednumerically higher gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio ( `72,397 ha-1, `37,971 ha-1 and 2.10, respectively).
How to Cite
DARSHAN, H., MANSUR, C. P., SHIVAMURTHY, D., & NEELAKANTH, J. (2023). System analysis of browntop millet based intercropping system in vertisols under rainfed condition. Journal of Farm Sciences, 36(01), 16-19.