Perceived effectiveness of extension teaching methods used byextension personnel for transfer of technologya

  • R. APARNA JAYAN Department of Agricultural Extension Education,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • S. L. PATIL Department of Agricultural Extension Education,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • G. N. MARADDI Department of Agricultural Extension Education,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • R. A. YELEDHALLI Department of Agri-Business Management,University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Extension personnel, Extension teaching methods, Perceived effectiveness


The present investigation was conducted in Dharwad and Gadag districts of Karnataka. Ex-post facto researchdesign was employed for the study. From each district 45 extension personnel were selected randomly to constitute a totalsample size of 90 respondents. The results of the study revealed that farm and home visit (83.33 %), result demonstration(78.89 %), krishi mela (67.78 %) and WhatsApp (74.44 %) were perceived as the effective individual contact method, groupcontact method, mass contact method and social media in transferring knowledge, respectively. Whereas, farm and homevisit (78.89 %), Farmers Field School (74.44 %), krishi mela (71.11 %) and WhatsApp (62.22 %) were perceived as theeffective individual contact method, group contact method, mass contact method and social media in imparting skills to thefarmers, respectively. The independent variables namely, educational qualification, years of experience, job involvement,self confidence and knowledge of extension teaching methods exhibited positive and significant relationship with perceivedeffectiveness of extension teaching methods in transferring knowledge. While, years of experience, job satisfaction,achievement motivation and knowledge of extension teaching methods were positively and significantly correlated with theperceived effectiveness of extension teaching methods in acquiring skills by farmers. All the eleven independent variablestogether contributed 38.70 per cent of the variation in perceived effectiveness of extension teaching methods in transferringknowledge and 28.90 per cent of the variation perceived effectiveness of extension teaching methods in acquiring skills byfarmers
How to Cite
JAYAN, R. A., PATIL, S. L., MARADDI, G. N., & YELEDHALLI, R. A. (2022). Perceived effectiveness of extension teaching methods used byextension personnel for transfer of technologya. Journal of Farm Sciences, 35(04), 479-484.