Growth rate of pineapple production in India

  • R. HANUMANTHAPPA Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
  • M. Y. TEGGI Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
Keywords: CAGR, CDVI, Compound annual growth rate, Cuddy della valle index, Growth rate, Instability, Pineapple


Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is one of the most important tropical and subtropical fruit of Bromeliaceae family, cultivated almost one third part of the world. Pineapple takes almost 16 -22 months to mature for harvesting. The main objective of this paper is to analyzed the growth rate in area, production and productivity of pineapple in India as well as Karnataka. The time series data from 2002-03 to 2021-22 for the study. The results revealed that the area (1.94%), production (2.56%) and productivity (0.64%) showed that positive and significant at one per cent level of probability in India. In Karnataka, the growth rate of productivity (0.99%) showed that positive and significant at five per cent level of productivity due to area expansion. For area (0.14%) and production (1.04%) showed positive and non-significant. Whereas, Cuddy Della Valle index (CDVI) for area, production and productivity were 6.79, 7.66 and 3.76, respectively in India. In Karnataka, the Cuddy Della Valle index (CDVI) for area, production and productivity were 10.55, 22.37 and 8.78. The slight variation in productivityof pineapple in India are mainly because inadequate farm management techniques i.e., less use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, improper suckers, inadequate knowledge and insufficient use of other input, which are the result of less production and productivity.
How to Cite
HANUMANTHAPPA, R., & TEGGI, M. Y. (2024). Growth rate of pineapple production in India. Journal of Farm Sciences, 37(01), 47-49.