Effect of different temperatures, relative humidity, incubation period on conidialgermination of Erysiphe necator causing powdery mildew of grapes

  • SAGAR N Department of Plant Pathology, ollege of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
  • JAMADAR M M Department of Plant Pathology, ollege of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
  • SHALINI N H Department of Plant Pathology, ollege of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
  • JAGGINAVAR S B Department of Agricultural Entomology, ollege of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
  • PATTAR P S Department of Agronomy, ollege of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
Keywords: Grapes, Incubation period, Powdery mildew, Relative humidity, Temperature


In vitro studies were conducted to assess the effect of different temperatures, relative humidity and incubationperiod on conidial germination of Erysiphe necator (powdery mildew) at the Department of Plant Pathology, College ofAgriculture, Vijayapur during 2020-22. Physiological studies of E. necator revealed that incubation of powdery mildewfungal spore suspension at various intervals indicated fairly satisfactory conidial germination from 18 to 22 hrs andultimately reached maximum at 24 hrs after incubation in distilled water. Among the different relative humidity (RH) levelsused for conidial germination, maximum germination was observed at 80 per cent RH (82.67%). howver, relative humidityranging from 80 to 85 per cent was found suitable for conidial germination of E. necator. Maximum conidial germination(83.69%) of E. necator was observed at 25 °C after 24 hrs and optimum temperature range for the conidial germination was20-25 °C.
How to Cite
N, S., M M, J., N H, S., S B , J., & P S , P. (2023). Effect of different temperatures, relative humidity, incubation period on conidialgermination of Erysiphe necator causing powdery mildew of grapes. Journal of Farm Sciences, 36(02), 157-161. https://doi.org/10.61475/jfm.v36i02.9